Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Best [hic] Salsa [hic] Ever [hic]

Tonight for dinner I had a smoothie and chips and salsa. Not just any salsa, but the best salsa I've ever had.

Desert Pepper Trading Company Salsa Diablo Hot

You can find it at kroger, usually on an endcap in the ethnic aisle. Its a bit expensive $4.59 for 16oz, but I've never had another like it. And it passes my hotness test. From years of experience I know how hot stuff is by my bodies reaction.

If I hiccup, its hot; if I don't, its not. Rather simple, but effective. Also a neat icebreaker.

They also make a very good bean salsa, a black and a white, with the latter being the better of the two. Now that I've been to the website, I am going to look for the Roasted Habanero Salsa - XXXTra Hot that they make.

Desert Pepper

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