Sunday, August 19, 2007

Two, No Three Things

1 - What the hell did we do with our lives before the internet? Genius was the person who created the Wikiquotes page.

2 - If Tivo/DVR had existed about 10 years ago would great TV shows like Sports Night, Freaks & Geeks and Firefly, have been cancelled as early as they were? Or, would they have been saved because no matter what the network execs did to the shows' viewing schedule and running order, people would still be able to find and watch them? Discuss. (Also mention other great shows that got screwed.)

3 - Ever wondered who's been changing your Wikipedia entry? Now you can find out. Check out the edits a church did to the Origin of Species entry.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I still never watched Freaks & Geeks. Sports Night, however, I revisited within the past month or so. Still a great show.

Maybe Arrested Development could have stayed on longer.