Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Started the new year in a good way. Got written up for an inter-office email and learned an important lesson. Dont send these to Gary.
Now, i dont really care that i was written up, its not like its the first time, but now there is one less happy thing that can happen at work.
A logged on email account can bring sun on a rainy day, turn lead into gold and make work a bit less sucky for a while. It makes me forget about lp, about scum bag thieving 10 year olds and being at the red-headed stepchild of the triangle stores. Sales wise only, we clearly have the best staff & the best looking store.

The upcoming inventory nightmare is scaring me. our numbers will be shit, especially if they include a bounce back from last year. i'm fearing the worse.

Listening To: my ITunes Mix Stoner folder

speaking of music, does anyone have the Donnie darko soundtrack? Im looking for the song "Mad World" by Michael Andrews, its a Tears for Fears cover. I'd get it from itunes store, but the individual song isnt available to buy. fuckers.


Joy said...

It's actually not Michael Andrews- it's Gary Jules. I'll upload it for you to download. Give you the link later.

Joy said...

Go to:
Mad World
Right click and Save Target As.

emperorp said...

thanks joy. its actually both guys who are listed in the info that shows up in iTunes.

Joy said...

How bout that. I've never heard of Michael Andrews. Wonder if anything else of his is good? The rest of Gary Jules' stuff kind of sucks.

Anonymous said...

Sure, you may have the best staff and the best-looking store, but do you have the best-looking staff?

Anonymous said...

written up?!?.... fuckers

Anonymous said...

wtf ppl post in ted's weblog now?