Wednesday, December 28, 2005

NyQuil II

Another night of the big fuckin Q, another fucked up dream. This one contains 3 borders people and one of the stores.

I'm in the Cary store back in music and Lane is trying to shelve the Beatles cd 1963-66 (the red 2 disc set), but there are already close to 100 in the section, so i tell him to put them in understock. That's when Joy comes over and asks what this door is. I look up and there is a locked metal door in a place that didnt have one before. Oddly enough my key works and we step into an field between to buildings.
In the field there are rows of corn, no two rows are the same height (some are 12 feet tall and others 2 feet tall), they aren't in any ascending or descending order either, its very chaotic. There is some one tending the corn, its Joost. Then i notice the pile of cigarette butts by the door.
Then on the wall of the opposite building there is a large flat screen tv, so we sit down and watch whats on. It's a piece of notebook paper, torn from the book and cut in half. On it is a game of hangman, but instead of single words, there are complete phrases, one of them being 'He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees a ghost' and other tongue twisters. We sit there entranced staring at the screen unable to move, it feels like being so high that you can't (or rather, don't want to) move, but we are not high.
The channel changes to two high school students' home movie project that involves acting out a scene from 'Great Expectations' page 171 from a baby crib. The one with the camera is lieing under the bed shooting the other one as he hangs over the edge of the crib to act out the scene. I reach up to the shelves and grab a copy of 'Great Expectations', but the book looks exactly like 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' (the white qp, same cover design, thickness, etc) so I can follow along with the scene.
Then the scene ends and the tv switches to the Israeli Prime Minister making a speech in the UN in 1968.

That's it. Once more down the rabbit hole tonight as NyQuil again is on my to do before bedtime list.

Listening to: Phish - New Years Eve 1995

1 comment:

Joy said...

I'm enjoying these crazy nyquil dreams. For some reason, I imagine that Joost was lost in the cornfield, which makes it so much funnier in my head. I'd really like to see Joost lost in a cornfield. Actually, a corn maze if possible.
Everyone's sick- I'm sick as well. I haven't resorted to nyquil yet. I've just gone as far as constant whining and soft lotiony tissues. The only problem with Lotion-enriched Puffs Plus is that they make my nose feel like it's sweating in the same unpleasant way that sour candies do.
Hope you feel better, and cheers to another pleasant drug-induced dream.