Friday, August 05, 2005

Humans Vs The Vampire Car

My car (95 geo metro named Polly, 95K miles) is a vampire.

It doesn't like sunlight and tends to die in the face of overwhelming heat. Example one, yesterday. While driving home it stalled on Lynn Road while doing 50, I tried coasting to a place to jab a stake in its heart, but you really can't coast uphill, so it stopped in a turning lane about 50 feet from an intersection.

As luck would have it, two cars behind me was a cop. He helped me push it uphill through the intersection onto a side road into a bus lane, where I sat down to wait for a while. In the past waiting has given my car a chance to cool off? return from gaseous form? or something, and then it usually starts up again.

Within 5 minutes I was asked by not one, but three people if I needed a ride anywhere (not help), but a physical ride to someplace. One of them had pulled off Lynn Road and turned onto the sidestreet to see if I needed help. The other two happened to be driving on the side road.

People stopping to help a stranger? in 2005? with Bush in the whitehouse? It made me happy, renewed my faith in humans again and proved to me, once again, that in a global war of humans vs vampires that humans would win

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